s an employee of a busy rental or tour operation, your job is fast paced, fun and rewarding. Customers that book a day with you often arrive excited for the upcoming experience. You are able to greet and interact with customers each day to prepare them for their day. It's likely that a good portion of your income comes from gratuity that customers leave you for helping them throughout the process.

Let's discover a few key strategies that you can implement right away to help you earn more tips.

Provide Outstanding Service. Of course, this seems like a no brainer, but always be aware that the service you provide is directly related to the tip that a customer will give. Make sure from start to finish that you are providing them with best possible service. People are more likely to leave a substantial tip for outstanding service.

Examples that take little effort, but provide big impact are:

  • Be prepared for all customer's arrival with check in information on hand: their booking should be up and ready to review before they arrive.
  • Keep track of the schedule to ensure you can focus on one customer at a time- leaving little wait time in between.
  • Express gratitude to customers for choosing your business.

Always be Friendly and Positive. You may be the first person they see when they arrive at your location. A warm welcome and a smile goes a long way. Show happiness when they arrive. Simple gestures such as a smile, a wave or handshake creates a personal connection with the customer, and will often mean a higher tip at the end.

Be Attentive and Personalize the Experience. Know who will be checking in for the day, and call them by name. It always feels more inviting to the customer when they walk in and you welcome them by name.  Answer all questions thoroughly and provide them with comprehensive details. This will help them feel confident and prepared for their rental or activity.

"Welcome Miller Family! We're glad you are here. Let's get you checked in, so you can enjoy this beautiful day on the water."

Use Subtle Hints. Customers may not know if they should leave a tip or not. Utilize signage in the shop that expresses that tips are appreciated, include the details in the email and text communication that they receive prior to arrival. Also, when you answer their questions and offer recommendations, it's polite to say, "I hope this recommendation helps!" These hints will remind the customer of the extra effort you put in to assist them.

Let customers know in advance that tips are appreciated, so they are prepared upon arrival.

Create a Seamless Process. Ensure that it's easy for the customer to leave a tip. Utilize your booking platform's check out process that includes a section for Gratuity.  No need to ask for a tip, but instead simply provide them with the device, such as your phone or iPad, that will include all the details about their booking, and let them decide if they want to leave a tip.  Customers can add their tip amount, and then the final payment can be charged to the card on file. It's a quick process and your customers will be glad to have this option.

BookingCentral's Gratuity Feature makes it easy for customers to leave a tip

You can help yourself by following these easy strategies above and coupled with a booking platform that supports the process, you'll be rewarded for your efforts with a nice tip. Makes for a great day for you and your customers!

Sep 3, 2024
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